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Gu Xiaojie Met with Governor of Kaduna State Nasir el-Rufai
2015-07-25 04:00

On July 23, Chinese Ambassador Gu Xiaojie met in Abuja with H.E. Mr. Nasir el-Rufai, newly-elected Governor of Kaduna State, and exchanged views on bilateral relations and state to province cooperation between China and Nigeria.

Gu Xiaojie congratulated H.E. Mr. Nasir el-Rufai on his election and inauguration, and pointed out that China attaches great importance to the development of China-Nigeria relations and appreciates his contribution to bilateral cooperation and relations during his tenure as the Minister of Federal Capital Territory. In the days ahead, China wishes to make joint efforts with Kaduna State to enhance investment, exchanges and cooperation, build the role model of province-to-state cooperation, and bring concrete benefits to people of both countries on the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation and mutual respect.

Nasir el-Rufai introduced his vision for the development planning of Kaduna State, and said that he wishes to draw experience from China and strengthen pragmatic cooperation in various fields, and will strive to create a safe and easy business environment. At last, el-Rufai stressed that Chinese companies are very welcomed to invest and do business in Kaduna State.

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